График работы ЗАО «Хоффманн Профессиональный Инструмент» в праздничные дни:
29 декабря 2023 - нерабочий день, 01 – 08 января 2024 – Новогодние каникулы, 09 января 2024 – рабочий день
Уважаемые клиенты!
С 14.09.2022 в нашем интернет-магазине цены на инструмент предоставляются по запросу.
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Уважаемые клиенты!
Информируем вас, что в нашем интернет-магазине цены на инструмент отображаются после регистрации и авторизации.
После авторизации Вам будут доступны актуальные цены в интернет-магазине, с учетом Ваших индивидуальных скидок.
Уважаемые клиенты!
Информируем о новом функционале интернет-магазина: «Добавление товаров в корзину из файла». Данный функционал создан для удобства пользователей и позволяет добавлять в корзину сразу несколько товаров.
Более подробную информацию о новой функции вы надете по ссылке:
Perschmann was founded in 1866 as a tools and ironware business. The family business, now in its 5th generation, is being managed by Justus Perschmann. We have been working in close cooperation with Hoffmann Quality Tools, Munich, since the seventies and are an autonomous part of the strategic alliance Hoffmann Group.
The company Hch. Perschmann GmbH
As a company we offer a comprehensive, efficient product and service programme - from competent advice about tools through comprehensive service up to intelligent solutions for efficient procurement processes. With our unique combination of trading, service and manufacturing competence, we have become established as the market leader in our sales area. After substantial organizational and regional changes, as well as adjustments to our product range at the beginning of the nineties, the company now concentrates on the manufacturing industry - since 1997 also in Poland. The "Hoffmann Group" strategic alliance enables us to combine Europe-wide presence with local strength, so that major customers Europe-wide can benefit from our range of services.
Our claim
We are the leading and most reliable system partner for quality tools with trading, service and manufacturing competence. Our high quality standards set the benchmark in the industry and our desire for improvement is what drives us on. This claim is characterized by our long-term partnership with our customers and our suppliers. Highly qualified employees are the basis of our professional work - satisfied customers are the result.
Our objectives
We are a role model for commitment, reliability, quality and cost/benefit. Responsible company management (employees/family/health/old age; environment; community) is deeply engrained in the company's thinking. We make our customers more successful by facilitating tool procurement and increasing productivity. We remain profitable, future-oriented and independent.
Our corporate culture
Our corporate culture is based on "a passion for the company" and a striving for operative excellence. Our thinking and our actions are based on the keywords of "simplicity and concentration". Based on "progress through humans" we create decentralised units with a corporate mindset according to the model "entrepreneurs within the enterprise". Dealings internally and externally are clear, demanding, confident, trusting, flexible and responsible.